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During this holiday season we count our blessings and look forward to giving! For many people this year due to the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic and economic hardship there are many fellow citizens in need. What are some ways to give kindly?

  • Drop off a home cooked meal to the doorstep of a person in need
  • Call to chat with a family member or friend who lives alone
  • Donate food or funds to local food banks … there is a record number of people in need of food this year 
  • Purchase a gift card from a local restaurant or other small merchants to help keep them in business
  • Grocery shop for others while using all COVID-19 precautions and deliver groceries safely to their doorstep
  • Write to the elderly in nursing homes 
  • Purchase take-out or delivery meals from local restaurants to help them stay in business
  • Donate books and supplies to local educational outreach programs for children
  • Post and share Mental Health Hotlines … Mental Health is now a global concern due to isolation, lack of income and lack of food caused by the COVID-19 crisis … 
  • Share local healthcare information with anyone who needs a healthcare professional

Wishing everyone happy holidays! Hoping you stay safe. Be well!


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